
Syntax Reading Group
The next SRG meeting will take place on Monday, April 9th, in Trans 10, 0.26, at 11:00. We will continue discussing Chomsky (2008). On Phases. In Foundational Issues in Linguistic Theory. Essays in honor of Jean-Roger Vergnaud, eds. R. Freidin, C. Peregrín Otero and M. L. Zubizarreta, 133-166. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
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Syntax Reading Group
The next SRG meeting will take place on Thursday, March 22nd, in Trans 10, 0.26, at 11:00. We will discuss Chomsky (2008). On Phases. In Foundational Issues in Linguistic Theory. Essays in honor of Jean-Roger Vergnaud, eds. R. Freidin, C. Peregrín Otero and M. L. Zubizarreta, 133-166. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
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Time in Translation Expert Meeting 3
We cordially invite you to attend the third meeting on Friday 16 March, 9.30-12.00 (Drift 23, room 0.13, 3512BR Utrecht). The focus of the meeting will be on competition between past, present perfect and recent past. This is the program: 9.30 – 10.15 Olaf Hoenselaar, Helen de Hoop, Gijs Mulder, Gert-Jan Schoenmakers (Radboud University Nijmegen): On…
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UTL Lectures: Jon Gajewski
Dear students and colleagues, Next week, Jon Gajewski from UConn (Connecticut, USA) will visit UiL-OTS. He is an expert on negative polarity items and neg-raising. You can find more about his research on his webpage: He will give two crash courses and one seminar. You are all very much invited to join both the courses…
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UTL Lectures / Artemis Alexiadou’s ppts
Dear all, Artemis Alexiadou’s UTL lectures are partly based on this article: Alexiadou (2018) Language variation and change: a case study of the loss of genitive Case in (Heritage) Greek Her Syntax Interface lecture ppt is here: Utrecht_ 19.2 (Those who attended the course can drop me an email if they wish to have the class notes)….
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Syntax Reading Group
The next SRG meeting will take place on Thursday, 1 March, in Trans 10, 0.26, at 11:00. We will discuss Poletto (2009). Double auxiliaries, anteriority and terminativity. The article is available at this link:
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Semantic Debates
ROCKY seminar on reciprocity, collectivity and typicality When people say that a certain debate is “semantic”, they often mean that it concerns unimportant terminological issues. In this seminar we address some semantic debates that are hopefully more substantial. Imke Kruitwagen will review a debate between Godehard Link and Remko Scha on the origins of our…
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