Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics


Syntax Reading Group

Update: As opposed to what previously announced, the next SRG meeting will take place on Monday, May 14th, in Trans 10, 1.14, at 11:00. We will continue discussing Chomsky (2008). On Phases. In Foundational Issues in Linguistic Theory. Essays in honor of Jean-Roger Vergnaud, eds. R. Freidin, C. Peregrín Otero and M. L. Zubizarreta, 133-166. Cambridge, MA:…

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Workshop “The peculiarities of binding in Russian”

The Workshop The peculiarities of Binding in Russian will take place in honor of Petya Zubkov, on the occasion of his doctoral degree. If you want to dive deeper into contemplating binding in Russian, we gladly invite you to the join the workshop. Please see the program below. Time Speaker Title 15.00-15.05 Eric Reuland Welcome 15.05-15.45…

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Lecture on the Geometry of Syntax by Matilde Marcolli

NEW TIME AND PLACE! On April 17, Matilde Marcolli, professor of Mathematics at the California Institute of Technology, will give a talk on The Geometry of Syntax. Abstract Chomsky’s “Principles and Parameters” model proposes that syntactic structures can be encoded into a set of binary syntactic parameters. A main problem in this approach is identifying…

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Petya Zubkov’s PhD dissertation defense

Peter (Petya) Zubkov wll defend his dissertation The Grammar of Binding: A study with reference to Russian on Tuesday April 24 at 12.45. This dissertation takes a minimalist perspective on the architecture of the language system and assumes no features or principles specific to reflexives. Reflexives are taken to realize bundles of derivationally valued interpretable…

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Workshop: The syntax of possession: The ins and outs and what’s beyond

On the morning of Jolien Scholten’s defence, there will be workshop celebrating her dissertation. Program 9.45-9.50 Marjo van Koppen & Norbert Corver: Welcome 9.50-10.30 Johan Rooryck: There is no inalienable possession in French 10.30-10.40 Break 10.40-11.20: Eva Dekany: DP structure and (in)alienability in Hungarian Sign Language 11.20-12.00: Marcel den Dikken: Objective external possessor constructions: Contrasting…

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Jolien Scholten’s PhD dissertation defense

We are happy to announce that Jolien Scholten will be defending her dissertation titled The ins and outs of external possession: A micro-comparative perspective on Friday, April 20th, 2018. The defence will take place at 14.30 in the Senaatszaal of the Academiegebouw (Domplein 29) in Utrecht. The defence will be accompanied by a workshop, a…

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Public lecture on multilingualism by Antonella Sorace

On the 25th of April, professor Antonella Sorace of the University of Edinburgh will give a public lecture on multilingualism. Professor Sorace will be visiting Utrecht University for 2 weeks. Stay tuned for more news on her lectures and courses.  

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