Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics


Morpho-Syn Syndicate Speaker Series & Reading Group

The “Synners” speaker series and reading group takes place every other week on Monday afternoon at 4pm (Utrecht time) at Penn State (online), starting on 26 September. The program is as follows: Sept. 26 – Greetings / Reading & discussion of Ramchand (2022) Oct. 10 – Cora Cavirani-Pots (KU Leuven) Oct. 24 – Maria Arche (University of Greenwich)…

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Syntax Interface Lecture: Richard Kayne

On the 27th of October Richard Kayne (NYU) will give a Syntax Interface Lecture. Title and abstract: t.b.a. All welcome! If you are not in the SIL Teams group, please contact the organizers 

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UiL-OTS Colloquium: Norbert Corver

On the 15th of September our new director Norbert Corver will inaugurate the 22-23 UiL-OTS (Institute for Language Science) Colloquium with a talk entitled There is plenty of manner!  All invited! Abstract There is plenty of manner in human life. When we do things, we often do them in a particular way. You wake up happily,…

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BCGL 15: Argument structure, theta-roles, and their realization

The fifteenth installment of the BCGL (Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics) will take place in Brussels on October 6-7, 2022. Invited speakers: Elena Anagnostopoulou (University of Crete) Chris Collins (New York University) Dalina Kallulli (University of Vienna) & Ian Roberts (University of Cambridge) Yining Nie (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) The program is available online at this link For further information, please check the…

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Inter-views on Cartography

Isogloss has just published the 2nd “Inter-views”, i.e. a short interview to several linguists of different beliefs, on Cartography. The linguists who answered questions about syntactic cartography, its descriptive and predictive power, issues of selection and feature encoding, are Enoch Aboh, Guglielmo Cinque, Alice Corr, Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Bravo, Gillian Ramchand and Vieri Samek-Lodovici. A good pre-summer…

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