CANCELED: UTL talks: Terje Lohndal (NTNU & UiT)
Terje Lohndal (NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology & UiT – The Arctic University of Norway) will give a talk with the title Verb movement in American Norwegian: V2, non-V2, and cross-linguistic influence (joint work with Björn Lundquist & Marit Westergaard). WHEN: 12 March 2020, 11:30-12:30 WHERE: Drift 23, room 0.12 *** Abstract…
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CANCELED: HLS workshop and Polinsky crash course
We regret to let you know that the upcoming HLS workshop and the UTL Lectures/crash course on Heritage language syntax by Maria Polinsky have been canceled for safety reasons, due to the coronavirus outbreak. The workshop is rescheduled for 24-26 August; the lectures will take place shortly before that. Save the date and stay tuned…
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UTL by Andrés Saab: the handout is now available
The 2018 Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics Lecture series will be closed magnificently by Andrés Saab (CONICET, Buenos Aires), who will give a crash course entitled Case conflicts and A-movement: DOM, doubling and clitics in Rioplatense Spanish. The course handout is now available here: CRASH COURSE Andrés Saab. If you are attending the course, please bring it (we won’t be distributing…
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UTL Lectures: Andrés Saab
Andrés Saab (CONICET, Buenos Aires) will give the next set of Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics Lectures. His crash course will be entitled Case conflicts and A-movement: DOM, doubling and clitics in Rioplatense Spanish. The course will take place on Monday 17, Tuesday 18, and Wednesday 19 at 11:00-13:00 in Janskerkhof 13 0.06 (Stijlkamer) Attendance is free, but we…
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CHANGE OF DATES: UTL Lectures by Theresa Biberauer
Theresa Biberauer, from the University of Cambridge and the Stellenbosch University, will inaugurate the second season of the Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics Lectures with a crash course on Three factors, variation, contact on October 16-18, 2018. Dates, times and locations: Tuesday, October 16, 11:00-13:00; Drift 23, Vergaderkamer 0.12 Wednesday, October 17, 11:00-13:00; Janskerkhof 13, Stijlkamer 0.06 Thursday, October 18, 11:00-13:00; Drift 23,…
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UTL Lectures: Jon Gajewski
Dear students and colleagues, Next week, Jon Gajewski from UConn (Connecticut, USA) will visit UiL-OTS. He is an expert on negative polarity items and neg-raising. You can find more about his research on his webpage: https://jon-gajewski.uconn.edu/ He will give two crash courses and one seminar. You are all very much invited to join both the courses…
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UTL Lectures / Artemis Alexiadou’s ppts
Dear all, Artemis Alexiadou’s UTL lectures are partly based on this article: Alexiadou (2018) Language variation and change: a case study of the loss of genitive Case in (Heritage) Greek Her Syntax Interface lecture ppt is here: Utrecht_ 19.2 (Those who attended the course can drop me an email if they wish to have the class notes)….
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