
EXTRA SIL talk: Jonathan MacDonald
Syntactic ingredients for telicity: An aspectual projection, an aspectual operator, and scalar points Jonathan MacDonald (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), 29th of November.
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Syntax Reading Group:
The next Syntax Reading Group will take place on November 2 at 12 noon on Teams (link below) We will be reading Larson (2021), Rethinking Cartography. You can find the file in the Teams Files folder. Should you wish to attend but not yet part of the group, please email me (Roberta) so I can add…
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REFLECTIONS: FOUNDATIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS OF GENERATIVE GRAMMAR is an online lecture series organized by CSU, where long-standing scholars who continue to contribute to the development of syntactic theory will reflect on their early work from a current perspective, tracing the development of the theory over time. We invite you to participate with us in this…
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RESCHEDULED: SIL talk: Steven Foley (USC)
The talk by Steven Foley on 12 October is CANCELED! Steven Foley (University of Southern California) will give a Syntax Interface Lecture on 12 October, with the title Inverted agents and demoted goals in Georgian Abstract Case marking in Georgian transitive clauses differs across tense categories. Most strikingly, external arguments in perfect tenses “invert”:…
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Morphology as Syntax (MaS 3)
(Please note that the times are all in EST/Montreal!) The purpose of this workshop is to investigate the relationship between morphology and syntax, and in particular to investigate the extent to which morphological generalizations can be accounted for in terms of purely syntactic operations and conditions. Can morphology and syntax be unified under purely Merge…
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MiMA midway workshop on 10 November
We are excited to invite you to the official midway workshop of the Mind your Manner Adverbials! project at Utrecht University! The MiMA team is proud to host this workshop to share its first findings and gather feedback, but also give the floor to others to present current work in the domains of manner and/or comparative adverbial morpho-syntax. Please…
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Norbert Corver – 60 – workshop – July 10 2023
Slight change in the program (see below) Dear friends and colleagues of Norbert, For Norbert’s 60th birthday we, his colleagues from Dutch linguistics and his current PhD-students, organize an afternoon with lectures and we invite you all to join us for some linguistic merriment. The workshop will take place on Monday July 10th from 1400-1700…
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