Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics


SIL talk: Caterina Donati

Speaker:  Caterina Donati Title: Is there parsing evidence for Merge over Move? Two experiments on French and Hebrew (Joint work with Francesca Foppolo, Carlo Cecchetto, Lion Oks) Date: 24 October Place: Drift 23, room 0.13 / MS Teams Time: 4-5pm Abstract:  Much work stemming from the classical garden-path model of parsing has focused either on how…

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Speaker: Zetao Xu (Chinese University of Hong Kong) Title: On reduced structures in Chinese: A labeling approach Date: 9 October Place: Trans 10 UU, MsTeams Abstract: There is a general debate concerning “reduced” clauses. Regarding the question-answer pair in (1), the sentential approach (Morgan 1973; Merchant 2004) would argue that the answer involves a full…

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Com-Syn talk: Gert-Jan Schoenmakers (UU)

Speaker: Gert-Jan Schoenmakers (Utrecht University) Title: An experimental investigation of syntactic and discourse-processing claims about filler-gap dependencies Time: 19 September, 16:15-17:30 Place: Lipsius 0.01, Leiden University and Zoom Abstract: Explanations for linguistic phenomena are often sought either in the syntax or in non-syntactic components of human cognition, e.g. through demands of discourse processing. The unacceptability…

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ComSyn talk: Jenneke van der Wal

Speaker: Jenneke van der Wal (Leiden University) Title: t.b.a. Time: 31 October, 16:15-17:30 Place: Lipsius 0.01, Leiden University and Zoom Abstract: t.b.a. If you wish to attend please contact the organizers

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CANCELED: 2nd Heritage Language Syntax brainstorming meeting

THE MEETING HAS BEEN CANCELED. A NEW DATE WILL BE ANNOUNCED SOON. The 2nd HLS brainstorming meeting will take place on the 25th of November at 2 pm.  The broad topic that we will discuss is “Variability and how to deal with it, and when do all “externalization”-related effects become structural change?”  Those who are…

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SIL talk extra: Phoevos Panagiotidis

Speaker: Phoevos Panagiotidis (University of Cyprus) Title: t.b.a. Place: Trans 10, room 0.19 / MS Teams Abstract: t.b.a. — If you are not already a member of the Syntax Interface Lectures team on MS teams and affiliated to the UU, to use this link to join the team: If you would like to join the talk and are not affiliated…

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SIL talk: Nicholas Catasso

Speaker: Nicholas Catasso (University of Wuppertal) Title: t.b.a. Place:  MS Teams Abstract: t.b.a. — If you are not already a member of the Syntax Interface Lectures team on MS teams and affiliated to the UU, to use this link to join the team: If you would like to join the talk and are not affiliated with UU,…

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