Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics


Petya Zubkov’s PhD dissertation defense

Peter (Petya) Zubkov wll defend his dissertation The Grammar of Binding: A study with reference to Russian on Tuesday April 24 at 12.45. This dissertation takes a minimalist perspective on the architecture of the language system and assumes no features or principles specific to reflexives. Reflexives are taken to realize bundles of derivationally valued interpretable…

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Workshop: The syntax of possession: The ins and outs and what’s beyond

On the morning of Jolien Scholten’s defence, there will be workshop celebrating her dissertation. Program 9.45-9.50 Marjo van Koppen & Norbert Corver: Welcome 9.50-10.30 Johan Rooryck: There is no inalienable possession in French 10.30-10.40 Break 10.40-11.20: Eva Dekany: DP structure and (in)alienability in Hungarian Sign Language 11.20-12.00: Marcel den Dikken: Objective external possessor constructions: Contrasting…

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UTL Lectures: Jon Gajewski

  Dear students and colleagues, Next week, Jon Gajewski from UConn (Connecticut, USA) will visit UiL-OTS. He is an expert on negative polarity items and neg-raising. You can find more about his research on his webpage: https://jon-gajewski.uconn.edu/ He will give two crash courses and one seminar. You are all very much invited to join both the courses…

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UTL Lectures / Artemis Alexiadou’s ppts

Dear all, Artemis Alexiadou’s UTL lectures are partly based on this article: Alexiadou (2018) Language variation and change: a case study of the loss of genitive Case in (Heritage) Greek Her Syntax Interface lecture ppt is here: Utrecht_ 19.2 (Those who attended the course can drop me an email if they wish to have the class notes)….

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