Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics


CHANGE OF DATES: UTL Lectures by Theresa Biberauer

Theresa Biberauer, from the University of Cambridge and the Stellenbosch University, will inaugurate the second season of the Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics Lectures with a crash course on Three factors, variation, contact on October 16-18, 2018. Dates, times and locations: Tuesday, October 16, 11:00-13:00; Drift 23, Vergaderkamer 0.12 Wednesday, October 17, 11:00-13:00; Janskerkhof 13, Stijlkamer 0.06 Thursday, October 18, 11:00-13:00; Drift 23,…

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Parallels between Phonology and Syntax – Meertens Instituut Amsterdam

On June 9, the Meertens Instituut will host a workshop with the title “Parallels between Phonology and Syntax”. Although syntax and phonology at first sight seem to study very similar objects – modules of human cognition involved with the form of language – the two disciplines seem to have grown apart, employing formal tools that…

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Syntax and Language Variation Week

On June 7-13 Utrecht University will host the Syntax and Variation Week, on the occasion of Roberta D’Alessandro and Marjo Van Koppen’s inaugural lectures. The program features two lectures and a workshop. You are all cordially invited, but please let us know if/which event you are planning to attend (see below). PROGRAM June 7, 4:15…

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Workshop “The peculiarities of binding in Russian”

The Workshop The peculiarities of Binding in Russian will take place in honor of Petya Zubkov, on the occasion of his doctoral degree. If you want to dive deeper into contemplating binding in Russian, we gladly invite you to the join the workshop. Please see the program below. Time Speaker Title 15.00-15.05 Eric Reuland Welcome 15.05-15.45…

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Lecture on the Geometry of Syntax by Matilde Marcolli

NEW TIME AND PLACE! On April 17, Matilde Marcolli, professor of Mathematics at the California Institute of Technology, will give a talk on The Geometry of Syntax. Abstract Chomsky’s “Principles and Parameters” model proposes that syntactic structures can be encoded into a set of binary syntactic parameters. A main problem in this approach is identifying…

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