Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics


HLS goes virtual!

The Heritage Language Syntax workshop will take place ONLINE on October 12-16 (DATE CHANGE!). HLS1 will take place online. The talks will be hosted on the OSF from the 12th to the 16th of October. On the 16th of October at 15:00 CEST there will be a round table with the invited speakers who will discuss issues around heritage language syntax….

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CANCELED: UTL talks: Terje Lohndal (NTNU & UiT)

Terje Lohndal (NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology & UiT – The Arctic University of Norway) will give a talk with the title Verb movement in American Norwegian: V2, non-V2, and cross-linguistic influence (joint work with Björn Lundquist & Marit Westergaard). WHEN: 12 March 2020, 11:30-12:30 WHERE: Drift 23, room 0.12   *** Abstract…

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CANCELED: HLS workshop and Polinsky crash course

We regret to let you know that the upcoming HLS workshop  and the UTL Lectures/crash course on Heritage language syntax by Maria Polinsky  have been canceled for safety reasons, due to the coronavirus outbreak. The workshop is rescheduled for 24-26 August; the lectures will take place shortly before that. Save the date and stay tuned…

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CANCELED: UTL Lectures Heritage Language Syntax by Masha Polinsky

UTRECHT THEORETICAL LINGUISTICS LECTURES Topics in Heritage Language Syntax On March 9-11, Masha Polinsky (UMD) will be our guest at UiL-OTS; she will  teach a crash course on Topics in Heritage Language Syntax, within the ERC project Microcontact . Schedule Monday 9, 15:00 – 17:00 (KNG 80, 1.06 – Ravensteynzaal)  – Agreement, agreement restructuring, clitics vs agreement…

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StreamGram – Open Forum for Grammatical Theory

StreamGram is an Open Access resource that collects links to theoretical linguistics events in streaming : talks, lectures, conferences. If you are streaming a theoretical linguistics event, or if you wish to put the video of a talk online so that other people can find it easily, please read the instructions and send us an…

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MARCH 2 UPDATE: Crash course in Formal Linguistics for PhDs

Crash course in Formal Linguistics for PhDs  Registration deadline: 25 November We’re happy to announce a crash course in formal linguistics for all PhD students at the Utrecht Institute of Linguistics, as well as potential participants from other departments and universities. This course will give young researchers who do not have previous training in Formal…

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CANCELED: 1st Heritage Language Syntax conference

We are happy to announce the 1st Microcontact Workshop on HERITAGE LANGUAGE SYNTAX to be held at Utrecht University on 12-13 March 2020 Invited speakers – Terje Lohndal (NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology & UiT The Arctic University of Norway) – Maria del Carmen Parafita Couto (Leiden University) – Maria Polinsky (University of Maryland) – Jason Rothman (UiT The Arctic University…

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