Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics


Third factors in language design: the view from heritage languages

The workshop Third Factors in Language Design: the view from Heritage Languages will be held in Paris (Inalco) on June 6 2025. It is organized within the IRN project “Heritage Languages in Europe” (CNRS & University of Paris 8) Invited speakers: Roberta D’Alessandro & Sivia Terenghi (University of Utrecht) Organizers: Elena Soare (Univ. Paris 8 & CNRS), Alexandru…

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REFLECTIONS talk: Ian Roberts

The online talk series REFLECTIONS: Foundations and Developments of Generative Grammar will continue with a talk by Ian Roberts (University of Cambridge): Date: 5 April 2025, 12:00 EDT (16:00 UTC) Topic: Against Input Generalisation: Evaluation Metrics in Generative Grammar   How to attend: Zoom Live stream on YouTube Zoom Information (a new link) will be sent out…

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SIL lecture: Fenna Bergsma

Speaker: Fenna Bergsma (Fryske Akademy) Title: t.b.a. Place: Utrecht, Muntstraat 2A, room 1.11/MS Teams Date and time: 24 April, 16:00

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PhD defence and workshop in honor of Joanna Wall

On Friday the 28th February at 10:00am, Joanna Wall will defend her dissertation entitled Towards a label-less grammar. The PhD defence will take place in the Senaatszaal, Academiegebouw, Domplein 29 Utrecht. In the afternoon of the 28th, there will be a short workshop to celebrate Joanna’s defence, with theoretical syntax talks and discussion related to…

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MIMA! workshop on The Grammar of Manner Adverbials

The final workshop of the MIMA! project on Manner Adverbials is going to take place on 6-7 March in Utrecht. The aim of this workshop is two-fold: (i) to celebrate the culmination of the Mind your Manner Adverbials! project at Utrecht University and share its results, and (ii) to bring together (junior and senior) researchers to…

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LUCL colloquium: Artemis Alexiadou

Speaker: Artemis Alexiadou (ZAS Berlin) Title: Nominalization: the view from syntactic approaches to word formation Date/Time: 20th of February, 15:15-17:00 Location: Herta Mohr, Witte Singel 27A, room 0.20 Leiden Abstract In this talk, I will discuss two issues within syntactic approaches to nominalization, focusing on Grimshaw’s (1990) complex event nominals (CENs), that are currently controversially…

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