Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics


Sintax Interface Lecture by Laura Migliori (Leiden University)

The upcoming Syntax Interface Lecture is going to take place on Thursday (June 6th). Laura Migliori (Leiden University) will give a talk entitled “Romance Purpose Prepositional Infinitives (PPIs). A comparative and diachronic study”. The lecture will take place from 16.00 until 17.00 at Trans 10, room 0.19 (A.W. de Grootkamer). All relevant information about the…

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Syntax Interface Lecture by Ans van Kemenade (Radboud Universiteit)

The upcoming Syntax Interface Lecture is going to take place next Tuesday (May 21st). Ans van Kemenade (Radboud Universiteit) will give a talk entitled “Discourse particle then in English: clause structure and discourse organisation“. The lecture will take place from 16.00 until 17.00 at Trans 10, room 0.19 (A.W. de Grootkamer). All relevant information about…

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Syntax Interface Lecture: Riny Huijbregts

The new Syntax Interface Lectures season is starting next week. The speaker will be Riny Huijbregts (Utrecht University), who will give a talk entitled “Special and General Theory of Merge with special and general thanks to Noam” . The lecture will take place on Thursday, February 7th, from 16:00 until 17:00 at Kromme Nieuwegracht 80, room 1.06….

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Syntax Interface Lecture: Myrthe Bergstra

The next Syntax Interface Lecture will take place on Thursday, March 7th, from 16:00 until 17:00 at Trans 10, room 0.19 (A. W. De Grootkamer). The speaker will be Myrthe Bergstra (Utrecht University), who will give a talk entitled “Micro-variation, contact and change: the absentive in Frisian and Dutch”. The abstract can be found on…

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UTL Lectures: Andrés Saab

Andrés Saab (CONICET, Buenos Aires) will give the next set of Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics Lectures. His crash course will be entitled Case conflicts and A-movement: DOM, doubling and clitics in Rioplatense Spanish.    The course will take place on Monday 17, Tuesday 18, and Wednesday 19 at 11:00-13:00 in  Janskerkhof 13 0.06 (Stijlkamer) Attendance is free, but we…

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New Syntax Interface season

The new Syntax Interface Lectures season is starting soon! This is the calendar for the fall season: October 8: Heimir van der Feest Viðarsson (The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies / University of Iceland), Violating V2 with two heads (or more): evidence from a polycephalous variety of insular Scandinavian October 17: Theresa Biberauer (University of Cambridge, Stellenbosch…

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