Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics


Syntax Interface Lecture: Carlos Muñoz Perez

On January 22, Carlos Muñoz Perez  (Pontificia Universisad Católica de Chile and Utrecht University) will give a talk with the title The structure of gaps: on the interaction of derivational order, economy and other sensible principles.      

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Syntax Interface Lecture: András Bárány

András Bárány (Leiden University) will give a Syntax Interface Lecture on 12 December at 16:00. Title: Universals and typological gaps in subject and object agreement The talk will be streamed on the StreamGram YouTube channel at this url Abstract Like (in)transitive constructions, ditransitive constructions can be characterised in terms of their case-marking and agreement alignment. In English, for…

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Syntax Interface Lecture: Brechje van Osch

 On 12 September, Brechje van Osch (Utrecht University) will give a syntax Interface Lecture with the title Interface vulnerability in heritage Spanish Abstract: This talk will be about interface phenomena in Spanish as a heritage language. The Interface Hypothesis (e.g. Sorace, 2000) predicts phenomena located at the interfaces between syntax and other domains to be…

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Syntax Interface Lecture: Marijke De Belder

On 10 October, Marijke De Belder (Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg) will give a Syntax Interface Lecture. Title: Category-specific syllable structures In this talk I present an experiment that shows that speakers of Dutch have intuitions on the category of a pseudoword. They ‘feel’ that the pseudoword ‘pardijf’ is fine as a noun -but not as…

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