
LILA Lectures: Kurt Erbach
Speaker: Kurt Erbach Title: Relative complexity in countability systems; a look at countability in central Kurdish Zoom link
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1st online Summer School On Iranian Linguistics (SSOIL)
The first online Summer School On Iranian linguistics (SSOIL) will be held on August 5-8, 2024. The program is below. Shahriar Hormozi is the principal organizer of this summer school. This event is hosted by the Department of Linguistics and the Iranian Linguistics research team at the University of Arizona. Please send your questions to…
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Workshop: Reciprocal expressions: Lexicon, Grammar, Semantics
Reciprocal expressions: Lexicon, Grammar, Semantics Workshop in honor of Imke Kruitwagen and Giada Palmieri Thursday, 6 June, 9.00-13.30 Janskerkhof 2-3, room 109, Utrecht PROGRAM 09.00-09.15 opening 09.15-10.15 Jacopo Romoli (Düsseldorf): On the source of ignorance and distributive inferences 10.15-10.45 Break 10.45-11.45 John Beavers (Austin, Texas): TBA 11.45-12.00 Break 12.00-12.40…
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Morpho-Syn Syndicate talk: Florian Schäfer
The next PSU Morpho-Syn Syndicate Research Group talk will be given by Dr. Florian Schäfer (HU-Berlin). The title will be Anticausatives as weak scalar expressions: evidence from French, German and English. If you wish to attend and you’re not in the mailing list, please email Mike Putnam and ask to be sent the link. Abstract…
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The Pancheva Lectures
CRISSP is happy to announce another installment in the CRISSP Lecture Series: Lecturer: Roumyana Pancheva (UC Santa Cruz) Title: The syntax and semantics of comparison Date & time: March 26, 27, and 29 2024, 12.30–15.30 (Tue-Wed), 10.00–13.00 (Fri) Participation: free Location (in person): KU Leuven, Faculty of Arts, Leuven Campus, Blijde Inkomststraat 21, 3000 Leuven, room LETT 05.30 (Tue), LETT 00.18…
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GLOWing Lecture: Viola Schmitt
The next GLOWing lecture will be given by Viola Schmitt, who will discuss with Marcel den Dikken on what is exciting about Semantics on March 15, 15:00 CET (10:00 EST, 14:00 BST, 19:30 IST – note the daylight savings change mismatch!) The Zoom-link for the lecture will be distributed to all GLOW members via e-mail a day before the lecture. If…
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ROCKY Project Final Workshop
On 10-11 July 2023, the ERC ROCKY project will hold its final workshop. Attenders who would like to join for lunch, please write Yoad Winter by 1 July. Program Monday, 10 July 2023 09:00-09:15 Reception and opening Session 1 – experimental semantics 09:15-10:00 James Hampton: Long blue coats and Large dark glasses: Conjunctions of unidimensional vague adjectives…
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