Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics


RoLinC talk: Kim Groothuis

Tomorrow ​(12th November) at 12-1pm (UK time), Kim A. Groothuis (Universiteit Gent) will be giving a talk entitled, Neapolitan chillo at the syntax-discourse-prosody interface.     Abstract: Neapolitan, like other Campanian varieties, features a construction in which the distal demonstrative (chillo, chella, chello ‘that.M/F/N.SG’ < Lat. ECCU + ILLU(M)) is used as an apparent expletive subject, occurring with impersonal predicates, as in (1). Moreover, chillo…

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RoLinC talk: Ștefania Costea and Oana Uță-Bărbulescu (University of Oxford)

Tomorrow ​(22nd October) at 12-1pm (UK time), Ștefania Costea and Oana Uță-Bărbulescu (University of Oxford) will be giving a talk entitled Notes on the Istro-Romanian nominal domain.     Abstract: Istro-Romanian, one of the four subdivisions of the Daco-Romance branch of the Romance languages, is a severely endangered language spoken in Istria, Croatia. The available grammars (e.g., Pușcariu 1926, Kovačec 1971) and studies of…

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RoLinC Talk: Roberta D’Alessandro

Roberta D’Alessandro (ILS, UU) will be giving the next Romance Linguistics Circle talk, entitled Honorificity, phi-agreement and an inside-view on pronouns and referentiality. The case of Italian voi and lei. The talk will take place on the 14th of May at 1pm. Abstract Honorifics are not as widely present in Romance languages as they are in several Asian languages….

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RoLinC: Xavier Villalba, Mirative markers

On May 7, Xavier Villalba (Autonomous University of Barcelona) will be giving a talk entitled, ​Mirative markers in Romance exclamative sentences.  Abstract: Exclamative sentences in Romance involve a rich set of markers whose syntactic position and semantic/pragmatic meaning is unclear. Consider the markers (mrk) in boldface in the exclamative sentences in (1): (1) a.  Si      (que)…

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RoLinC talk: Fabienne Martin

Talk: Tomorrow ​(19th March) at 12-1pm (UK time), Fabienne Martin (Utrecht University) will be giving a talk entitled,​The ‘no-agent’ scalar implicature triggered by anticausatives is stronger when the causative alternative is structurally-defined.  Abstract: Weak scalar expressions like English It is possible that P (defeasibly) implicate the negation of their stronger alternatives such as It is certain that P (Grice 1967,…

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Romance Linguistics Circle: spring talks

  The spring talk calendar for the Romance Linguistics Circle (RoLinC) organized by the universities of Cambridge and Newcastle is now out. All talks are open for attendance, but you’ll need to contact the organizers to get a Zoom link. The talks take place every Tuesday at 1-2 pm (Utrecht time)   25th April Alice Corr (University…

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RoLinC talk: Wyn Shaw

Speaker: Wyn Shaw (University of Oxford) Title: The History of Subject Verb Inversions in French Date: 6th June Time: 1-2 pm Utrecht time Zoom link: please contact the organizers

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