ROCKY Project Final Workshop
On 10-11 July 2023, the ERC ROCKY project will hold its final workshop. Attenders who would like to join for lunch, please write Yoad Winter by 1 July. Program Monday, 10 July 2023 09:00-09:15 Reception and opening Session 1 – experimental semantics 09:15-10:00 James Hampton: Long blue coats and Large dark glasses: Conjunctions of unidimensional vague adjectives…
Read moreROCKY lecture by Renato Miguel Basso and Giada Palmieri
On Monday 10 December Renato Miguel Basso and Giada Palmieri will give a ROCKY lecture with the title When “se” is not needed: lexical reciprocity and reflexivity in Brazilian Portuguese. Abstract Many Romance languages use items like “se” (French) or “si” (Italian) to express reflexivity or reciprocity. Brazilian Portuguese (BP) is another Romance language where the…
Read moreROCKY mini-workshop: reciprocal predicates in Italian, Dutch and Hebrew
Reciprocal predicates in Italian, Dutch and Hebrew This mini-workshop will report recent findings of the ROCKY team ( on reciprocal predicates in three typologically different languages: Italian, Dutch and Hebrew. The two talks will discuss the semantics of reciprocal predicates and the SI construction in Italian, the reciprocal middle template in Hebrew, and the interpretation…
Read moreTalk by Alon Fishman: Sentence-internal “different” as a lexical reciprocal
On 25 May, Alon Fishman from Tel Aviv University will give a talk on Sentence-internal “different” as a lexical reciprocal This talk is concerned with a particular sentence-internal reading of predicates like “different”, here called the *plural-dependent* reading. I argue for an analysis of this reading in terms of lexical reciprocity (Siloni 2012, Winter 2018). The plural-dependent reading…
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