Morphology Circle @PSU

Morphology circle: Diti Bhadra
Speaker:Diti Bhadra (University of Minnesota) Title: What information do verb roots encode?: the view from morpho-semantics Date and time: 23 September, 4pm (CET) Abstract: Through the lens of the reversative affix un- and the restitutive affix re-, I explore verb roots and make a new proposal about the lexical semantics of verbs. I argue that these affixes tell a…
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Morphology Circle: Adam Singerman
Speaker: Adam Singerman (Syracuse University) Title: Verbal suppletion in Tuparí, an Indigenous Brazilian language: a typological counterexample Date and time: 21 October, 4pm (CET) Place: Zoom Abstract Recent work in the framework of Distributed Morphology (especially by Heidi Harley and colleagues) has put forward a series of crosslinguistic generalizations regarding the phenomenon of verbal suppletion. In…
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Morphology circle: Lefteris Paprounas
Speaker: Lefteris Paprounas (UQAM) Title: Stative passives as complex heads: Event and argument structure in Greek Date and time: 14 October, 4pm (CET) Place: Zoom Abstract This talk identifies a set of novel generalizations in the morphosyntax of stative passives (e.g. ’The wall is already painted’) in Greek. In particular, it shows that stative passives crucially…
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