
LUCL colloquium: Artemis Alexiadou
Speaker: Artemis Alexiadou (ZAS Berlin) Title: Nominalization: the view from syntactic approaches to word formation Date/Time: 20th of February, 15:15-17:00 Location: Herta Mohr, Witte Singel 27A, room 0.20 Leiden Abstract In this talk, I will discuss two issues within syntactic approaches to nominalization, focusing on Grimshaw’s (1990) complex event nominals (CENs), that are currently controversially…
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CRISSP TCC Seminar: Ora Matushansky
CRISSP is happy to announce a new installment in the CRISSP TCC Seminar Series: Lecturer: Ora Matushansky (UMR 7023 (CNRS/Université Paris VIII)) Title: Down with the themes! For a classless declension in Russian morphology Date & time: Thursday 30 January 2025, 15.30-17.00 CET Location: Zoom
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Morphology circle: Diti Bhadra
Speaker:Diti Bhadra (University of Minnesota) Title: What information do verb roots encode?: the view from morpho-semantics Date and time: 23 September, 4pm (CET) Abstract: Through the lens of the reversative affix un- and the restitutive affix re-, I explore verb roots and make a new proposal about the lexical semantics of verbs. I argue that these affixes tell a…
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Morphology Circle: Andrea Sims
Speaker: Andrea Sims (Ohio State) Title: Modeling trees, theorizing forests: From local to system-level morphological organization Date and time: 18 November, 4pm (CET) Place: Zoom Abstract Morphological typologists theorize about the nature of language by comparing properties of languages and building explanatory models of identified patterns. Broadly speaking, explanation comes from the interaction of two types…
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Morphology Circle: Adam Singerman
Speaker: Adam Singerman (Syracuse University) Title: Verbal suppletion in Tuparí, an Indigenous Brazilian language: a typological counterexample Date and time: 21 October, 4pm (CET) Place: Zoom Abstract Recent work in the framework of Distributed Morphology (especially by Heidi Harley and colleagues) has put forward a series of crosslinguistic generalizations regarding the phenomenon of verbal suppletion. In…
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Morphology circle: Lefteris Paprounas
Speaker: Lefteris Paprounas (UQAM) Title: Stative passives as complex heads: Event and argument structure in Greek Date and time: 14 October, 4pm (CET) Place: Zoom Abstract This talk identifies a set of novel generalizations in the morphosyntax of stative passives (e.g. ’The wall is already painted’) in Greek. In particular, it shows that stative passives crucially…
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1st online Summer School On Iranian Linguistics (SSOIL)
The first online Summer School On Iranian linguistics (SSOIL) will be held on August 5-8, 2024. The program is below. Shahriar Hormozi is the principal organizer of this summer school. This event is hosted by the Department of Linguistics and the Iranian Linguistics research team at the University of Arizona. Please send your questions to…
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