Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics


Matilde Marcolli – MIT lectures on the mathematical structure of Merge

Matilde Marcolli, who visited our university in October, gave a series of five lectures at the MIT Linguistics Department on her joint work with Noam Chomsky and Bob Berwick on the mathematical structure of Syntactic Merge. The videos of all the lectures are available here The slides of all the talks are available here The…

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UTL Lectures: Aurelie Herbelot

We are very pleased to welcome Aurelie Herbelot  from the University of Trento who is visiting UiL-OTS to give a series of 2 lectures plus a seminar, from June 3-5.   Crash course in Computational Semantics, June 3-5 Aurelie Herbelot , Univ. of Trento   * Lecture 1 – Distributional semantics as lexical representation June 3 (Mon) : 11:00-12:45 : JK…

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CHANGE OF DATES: UTL Lectures by Theresa Biberauer

Theresa Biberauer, from the University of Cambridge and the Stellenbosch University, will inaugurate the second season of the Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics Lectures with a crash course on Three factors, variation, contact on October 16-18, 2018. Dates, times and locations: Tuesday, October 16, 11:00-13:00; Drift 23, Vergaderkamer 0.12 Wednesday, October 17, 11:00-13:00; Janskerkhof 13, Stijlkamer 0.06 Thursday, October 18, 11:00-13:00; Drift 23,…

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