
Com-Syn talk: Gert-Jan Schoenmakers (UU)
Speaker: Gert-Jan Schoenmakers (Utrecht University) Title: An experimental investigation of syntactic and discourse-processing claims about filler-gap dependencies Time: 19 September, 16:15-17:30 Place: Lipsius 0.01, Leiden University and Zoom Abstract: Explanations for linguistic phenomena are often sought either in the syntax or in non-syntactic components of human cognition, e.g. through demands of discourse processing. The unacceptability…
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ComSyn talk: Jenneke van der Wal
Speaker: Jenneke van der Wal (Leiden University) Title: t.b.a. Time: 31 October, 16:15-17:30 Place: Lipsius 0.01, Leiden University and Zoom Abstract: t.b.a. If you wish to attend please contact the organizers
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ComSyn Lectures: Karen de Clercq
The next ComSyn talk, by Karen De Clercq, is titled The internal structure of sentential negation: A view from suppletion. Speaker: Karen De Clercq (CNRS/LLF/Université Paris Cité) Title: The internal structure of sentential negation: A view from suppletion Date: Thu 18 April Location: Lipsius 1.33 and Zoom Time: 16.15 – 17.30 If you wish to follow the talk via Zoom…
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