Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics


Syntax Reading Group

The next SRG meeting will take place on Monday, June 11th, in Trans 10, 1.14, at 11:00. We will discuss D’Alessandro & Scheer (2015). Modular PIC. Linguistic Inquiry, 46, 593–624 A draft of the article is available at this link: http://ling.auf.net/lingbuzz/001993

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Syntax Interface Lecture by Marika Lekakou on May 22nd

Next Syntax Interface Lecture will take place on Tuesday, May 22nd. We will host a talk by Marika Lekakou (University of Ioannina), with the title “Unifying personal and impersonal middles“. For further information: http://syntaxif.wp.hum.uu.nl/marika-lekakou-university-of-ioannina/

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Talk by Alon Fishman: Sentence-internal “different” as a lexical reciprocal

On 25 May, Alon Fishman from Tel Aviv University will give a talk on Sentence-internal “different” as a lexical reciprocal This talk is concerned with a particular sentence-internal reading of  predicates like “different”, here called the *plural-dependent* reading. I argue for an analysis of this reading in terms of lexical reciprocity (Siloni 2012, Winter 2018). The plural-dependent reading…

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Syntax and Language Variation Week

On June 7-13 Utrecht University will host the Syntax and Variation Week, on the occasion of Roberta D’Alessandro and Marjo Van Koppen’s inaugural lectures. The program features two lectures and a workshop. You are all cordially invited, but please let us know if/which event you are planning to attend (see below). PROGRAM June 7, 4:15…

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LUSH talk: Nadine Theiler

We are happy to announce that on Tuesday, May 22, Nadine Theiler (ILLC, University of Amsterdam) will give a LUSH talk in Utrecht, with the title ‘Choosing additive particles in wh-questions’. LUSH is short for Leiden-Utrecht Semantic Happenings, and these talks are aimed at everyone (so including RMA students) with a keen interest in semantics….

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Syntax Interface Lecture by Anna Volkova on May 7th

Next Syntax Interface Lecture will take place on Monday, May 7th. We will host a talk by Anna Volkova (National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow), with the title “Subject encoding in participial relative clauses”. For further information: http://syntaxif.wp.hum.uu.nl/anna-volkova-national-research-university-higher-school-of-economics-moscow/

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