Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics


REFLECTIONS talk: Adriana Belletti

The online talk series REFLECTIONS: Foundations and Developments of Generative Grammar will continue with a talk by Adriana Belletti (University of Siena): Date: 8 February 2025, 12:00 EST (17:00 UTC) Topic: Comparative Dimensions in Morphosyntax: Theoretical and Descriptive Insights from Acquisition Studies How to attend: Zoom Live stream on YouTube Zoom Information (a new link) will be sent…

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ComSyn talk: Richard Kayne

Speaker: Richard S. Kayne (NYU) Title: The DP-Internal Origin of Datives When: Thu 21 Nov, 15.45-17.00 (please note the time change!) Where: Lipsius 1.33 Zoom: Link / Meeting ID: 629 5474 2232 / Passcode: u^7gBg9! Bringing together Szabolcsi’s work on Hungarian possessive sentences, the possessor-raising tradition having to do with inalienables, locative datives, temporal datives, datives with modals, datives with psych-verbs and…

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RoLinC talk: Kim Groothuis

Tomorrow ​(12th November) at 12-1pm (UK time), Kim A. Groothuis (Universiteit Gent) will be giving a talk entitled, Neapolitan chillo at the syntax-discourse-prosody interface.     Abstract: Neapolitan, like other Campanian varieties, features a construction in which the distal demonstrative (chillo, chella, chello ‘that.M/F/N.SG’ < Lat. ECCU + ILLU(M)) is used as an apparent expletive subject, occurring with impersonal predicates, as in (1). Moreover, chillo…

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SIL talk: Tara Struik

Speaker: Tara Struik (University of Mannheim) Title: The results of contact: Tracing changes in resultativity encoding in the history of English in contact with French Place: Trans 10, room 0.19 / MS Teams Abstract:This talk will focus on the question to what extent the large influx of Old and Middle French verbs effected structural changes in the realisation of resultative…

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RoLinC talk: Ștefania Costea and Oana Uță-Bărbulescu (University of Oxford)

Tomorrow ​(22nd October) at 12-1pm (UK time), Ștefania Costea and Oana Uță-Bărbulescu (University of Oxford) will be giving a talk entitled Notes on the Istro-Romanian nominal domain.     Abstract: Istro-Romanian, one of the four subdivisions of the Daco-Romance branch of the Romance languages, is a severely endangered language spoken in Istria, Croatia. The available grammars (e.g., Pușcariu 1926, Kovačec 1971) and studies of…

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CRISSP/TCC talk: Heather Newell

CRISSP is happy to announce a new installment in the CRISSP TCC Seminar Series: Lecturer: Heather Newell (Université du Québec à Montréal) Title: English Theme Vowels are Syntactic Heads Date & time: Tuesday 22 October 2024, 15.30-17.00 CET Location: Zoom (contact us to get the link)

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5th Heritage Language Syntax meeting

The 5th HLS workshop will take place in Hamburg on 8 November 2024. Unlike the previous editions, this year’s HLS will consist of a one-day Symposium on the syntax of heritage Romance languages in contact, for which the IRom is delighted to have 5 distinguished international experts in the field as guest speakers: Laura Dominguez (University of Southampton)…

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