Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics


Morphology circle: Diti Bhadra

Speaker:Diti Bhadra (University of Minnesota) Title: What information do verb roots encode?: the view from morpho-semantics Date and time: 23 September, 4pm (CET) Abstract: Through the lens of the reversative affix un- and the restitutive affix re-, I explore verb roots and make a new proposal about the lexical semantics of verbs. I argue that these affixes tell a…

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Com-Syn talk: Gert-Jan Schoenmakers (UU)

Speaker: Gert-Jan Schoenmakers (Utrecht University) Title: An experimental investigation of syntactic and discourse-processing claims about filler-gap dependencies Time: 19 September, 16:15-17:30 Place: Lipsius 0.01, Leiden University and Zoom Abstract: Explanations for linguistic phenomena are often sought either in the syntax or in non-syntactic components of human cognition, e.g. through demands of discourse processing. The unacceptability…

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The Van Riemsdijk Foundation: call for submissions

The Van Riemsdijk Foundation is happy to announce that it has opened a new call for submissions for 2024. In the past two years, VRF has funded 12 workshops and 7 summer schools—see our website for details—and we are continuing with the same two funding schemes this year: one for workshops and one for summer schools. Please…

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Algonquian Morpho-Phonology Circle: Menominee vowel harmony

The reading group on Algonquian morpho-phonology will meet once a month (first Thursday of each month) to discuss a paper or book chapter(s). First meeting: October 3rd Time: 14:30 ET (New Haven), 16:00 (Newfoundland), 11:30 (Vancouver), 19:30 (London), 20:30 (Paris) Topic: Menominee vowel harmony revisited: A height-based underspecification account Author: Will Oxford Paper: https://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~oxfordwr/papers/Oxford-TWPL-Menominee.pdf Zoom…

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Morphology Circle: Andrea Sims

Speaker: Andrea Sims (Ohio State) Title: Modeling trees, theorizing forests: From local to system-level morphological organization Date and time: 18 November, 4pm (CET) Place: Zoom Abstract Morphological typologists theorize about the nature of language by comparing properties of languages and building explanatory models of identified patterns. Broadly speaking, explanation comes from the interaction of two types…

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Morphology Circle: Adam Singerman

Speaker: Adam Singerman (Syracuse University) Title: Verbal suppletion in Tuparí, an Indigenous Brazilian language: a typological counterexample Date and time: 21 October, 4pm (CET) Place: Zoom Abstract Recent work in the framework of Distributed Morphology (especially by Heidi Harley and colleagues) has put forward a series of crosslinguistic generalizations regarding the phenomenon of verbal suppletion. In…

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Morphology circle: Lefteris Paprounas

Speaker: Lefteris Paprounas (UQAM) Title: Stative passives as complex heads: Event and argument structure in Greek Date and time: 14 October, 4pm (CET) Place: Zoom Abstract This talk identifies a set of novel generalizations in the morphosyntax of stative passives (e.g. ’The wall is already painted’) in Greek. In particular, it shows that stative passives crucially…

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