Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics


Workshop on Cross-Linguistic Semantics of Reciprocals

Workshop on Cross-Linguistic Semantics of Reciprocals On the 7th and 8th of October, the workshop “Cross-linguistic semantics of reciprocals” will take place at Utrecht University. We are glad to announce that the final program is now available. The workshop will bring together formal semanticists and experts of reciprocity phenomena, with the goal of addressing some…

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Guest lectures reading group on Presuppositions – Matthew Mandelkern and Jacopo Romoli

On our next meeting, Matthew Mandelkern (Oxford) and Jacopo Romoli (Ulster U.) will present their recent paper: “We’ve discovered that projection is asymmetric (and it is!)” – joint work with Jérémy Zehr and Florian Schwarz, to appear in Linguistics & Philosophy. Link to paper: http://users.ox.ac.uk/~sfop0776/Discovered.pdf Abstract: Is the mechanism behind presupposition projection and filtering fundamentally asymmetric or symmetric?…

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Two LUSH talks

We are happy to announce two LUSH talks: * on Thursday, March 28, Elizabeth Bogal-Allbritten (University of Gothenburg) will give a LUSH talk in Leiden. * on Friday, April 5, Ana Bosnić (University of Groningen / Utrecht University) will give a LUSH talk in Utrecht. LUSH is short for Leiden-Utrecht Semantic Happenings, and these talks…

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Next meeting of the reading group on Presuppositions

The next meeting of the reading group on Presuppositions will take place on March 11 at 15.15. During the meeting, Lisa Bylinina will present two classical papers on presupposition by Irene Heim: Heim, Irene. 1983. On the projection problem for presuppositions (http://newstar.rinet.ru/~goga/biblio/essential-readings/10-Heim-On.the.Projection.Problem.for.Presuppositions.djvu)   Heim, Irene. 1990. Presupposition Projection (https://semanticsarchive.net/Archive/GFiMGNjN/Presupp%20projection%2090.pdf) You are all welcome!

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Interframework Colloquium

The first UiL-OTS INTERFRAMEWORK COLLOQUIUM will take place on February 28. It will be on AGREEMENT. This colloquium brings together scholars working within different frameworks to discuss a specific topic . The aim is to start an interaction between frameworks, to gain from each other’s insights and to identify where the approaches complement each other…

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NEW!!! Reading group on PRESUPPOSITIONS

Have you ever wondered what presuppositions in linguistics are about? Now there is a chance to study the topic in a group of other interested researchers at the UiL OTS. The idea is to have an informal forum where interested UiL OTSers could carry out a free discussion on topics that are relevant to all…

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TIN-dag / Dutch Annual Linguistics Day

The next Dutch Annual Linguistics Day, co-organised by AVT, LOT and Anéla, will be held on Saturday 2 February 2019. The Dutch Annual Linguistics Day combines the AVT TIN-dag (Linguistics-in-the-Netherlands day) and the Anéla TTiN-dag (Applied-Linguistics-in-the-Netherlands day). The Grote Taaldag will take place in Utrecht, at Drift 21 and 25. The Grote Taaldag also hosts…

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