
CANCELED: HLS workshop and Polinsky crash course
We regret to let you know that the upcoming HLS workshop and the UTL Lectures/crash course on Heritage language syntax by Maria Polinsky have been canceled for safety reasons, due to the coronavirus outbreak. The workshop is rescheduled for 24-26 August; the lectures will take place shortly before that. Save the date and stay tuned…
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Syntax Interface Lecture: Alexandru Nicolae
On 10 March 2020, Alexandru Nicolae (Iorgu Iordan – Al. Rosetti Institute of Linguistics / University of Bucharest) will give a Syntax Interface Lecture. Title: t.b.a.
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Interframework Colloquium 2. When the category is unclear
Interframework Colloquium 2 When the category is unclear: the case of ‘semilexical’ items The SECOND UiL-OTS INTERFRAMEWORK COLLOQUIUM will take place on February 13, 2020. It will be entitled When the category is unclear: the case of ‘semilexical’ items. The speakers of Interframeworks 2 are Antal van den Bosch (Meertens Instituut), Eva van Lier (UvA),…
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CANCELED: Heritage Language Syntax – program
The program of the Heritage Language Syntax conference, to be held in Utrecht on March 11-13, is now online! You can find it here. You are all welcome to attend, but please do register at
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Syntax Interface Lecture: Astrid van Alem
On February 6, Astrid van Alem (Leiden University) will give a Syntax Interface Lecture talk (title t.b.a.) at Utrecht University.
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Syntax Interface Lecture: Carlos Muñoz Perez
On January 22, Carlos Muñoz Perez (Pontificia Universisad Católica de Chile and Utrecht University) will give a talk with the title The structure of gaps: on the interaction of derivational order, economy and other sensible principles.
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CANCELED: UTL Lectures Heritage Language Syntax by Masha Polinsky
UTRECHT THEORETICAL LINGUISTICS LECTURES Topics in Heritage Language Syntax On March 9-11, Masha Polinsky (UMD) will be our guest at UiL-OTS; she will teach a crash course on Topics in Heritage Language Syntax, within the ERC project Microcontact . Schedule Monday 9, 15:00 – 17:00 (KNG 80, 1.06 – Ravensteynzaal) – Agreement, agreement restructuring, clitics vs agreement…
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