Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics


Syntax Interface Lecture: Brechje van Osch

 On 12 September, Brechje van Osch (Utrecht University) will give a syntax Interface Lecture with the title Interface vulnerability in heritage Spanish Abstract: This talk will be about interface phenomena in Spanish as a heritage language. The Interface Hypothesis (e.g. Sorace, 2000) predicts phenomena located at the interfaces between syntax and other domains to be…

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Syntax Interface Lecture: Marijke De Belder

On 10 October, Marijke De Belder (Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg) will give a Syntax Interface Lecture. Title: Category-specific syllable structures In this talk I present an experiment that shows that speakers of Dutch have intuitions on the category of a pseudoword. They ‘feel’ that the pseudoword ‘pardijf’ is fine as a noun -but not as…

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CANCELED: 1st Heritage Language Syntax conference

We are happy to announce the 1st Microcontact Workshop on HERITAGE LANGUAGE SYNTAX to be held at Utrecht University on 12-13 March 2020 Invited speakers – Terje Lohndal (NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology & UiT The Arctic University of Norway) – Maria del Carmen Parafita Couto (Leiden University) – Maria Polinsky (University of Maryland) – Jason Rothman (UiT The Arctic University…

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Syntax Reading Group

The next Syntax Reading Group meeting will take place on Wednesday, June 26th in Trans 10, 0.26, at 15.30. We will discuss Reuland (2011). Syntax and Interpretation Systems: How is Their Labour Divided? In Boeckx (ed.) The Oxford handbook of linguistic minimalism. Oxford University Press. The paper is available at this link: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/297425818_Syntax_and_Interpretation_Systems_How_is_Their_Labour_Divided 

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UTL Lectures: Aurelie Herbelot

We are very pleased to welcome Aurelie Herbelot  from the University of Trento who is visiting UiL-OTS to give a series of 2 lectures plus a seminar, from June 3-5.   Crash course in Computational Semantics, June 3-5 Aurelie Herbelot , Univ. of Trento   * Lecture 1 – Distributional semantics as lexical representation June 3 (Mon) : 11:00-12:45 : JK…

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Syntax Reading Group

The next Syntax Reading Group meeting will take place on Thursday, June 20th, in Trans 10, 0.51, at 11:00. We will discuss Preminger (2018). Back to the Future: Non-generation, filtration, and the heartbreak of interface-driven Minimalism. In Hornstein et al. (eds) Syntactic structures after 60 years : the impact of the Chomskyan revolution in linguistics. De…

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