Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics


HLS goes virtual!

The Heritage Language Syntax workshop will take place ONLINE on October 12-16 (DATE CHANGE!). HLS1 will take place online. The talks will be hosted on the OSF from the 12th to the 16th of October. On the 16th of October at 15:00 CEST there will be a round table with the invited speakers who will discuss issues around heritage language syntax….

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CANCELED: UTL talks: Terje Lohndal (NTNU & UiT)

Terje Lohndal (NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology & UiT – The Arctic University of Norway) will give a talk with the title Verb movement in American Norwegian: V2, non-V2, and cross-linguistic influence (joint work with Björn Lundquist & Marit Westergaard). WHEN: 12 March 2020, 11:30-12:30 WHERE: Drift 23, room 0.12   *** Abstract…

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CANCELED: HLS workshop and Polinsky crash course

We regret to let you know that the upcoming HLS workshop  and the UTL Lectures/crash course on Heritage language syntax by Maria Polinsky  have been canceled for safety reasons, due to the coronavirus outbreak. The workshop is rescheduled for 24-26 August; the lectures will take place shortly before that. Save the date and stay tuned…

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Interframework Colloquium 2. When the category is unclear

Interframework Colloquium 2 When the category is unclear: the case of ‘semilexical’ items The SECOND UiL-OTS INTERFRAMEWORK COLLOQUIUM will take place on February 13, 2020. It will be entitled When the category is unclear: the case of ‘semilexical’ items. The speakers of Interframeworks 2 are Antal van den Bosch (Meertens Instituut), Eva van Lier (UvA),…

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CANCELED: Heritage Language Syntax – program

The program of the Heritage Language Syntax conference, to be held in Utrecht on March 11-13, is now online! You can find it here. You are all welcome to attend, but please do register at microcontact@uu.nl.  

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