
LiME-lecture: David Adger
LiME (Linguistics @ Meertens) is happy to announce a new installment of the LiME Lecture Series with David Adger on Monday 10 February 2025. Lecturer: David Adger (Queen Mary University of London) Title: Mereological Syntax and Noun Phrase Islands Date & time: Monday 10 February 2025, 14.00–15.30 CET Location (in person): Meertens Institute, Oudezijds Achterburgwal 185, 1012 DK Amsterdam, room…
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Locality across the board
LOCALITY ACROSS THE BOARD (Nice, 6-7 feb) Participants: Luigi Rizzi (Collège de France), Giuliano Bocci (University of Siena) & Ur Shlonsky (University of Geneva), Elise Newman (MIT), Isabelle Charnavel (University of Geneva) & Dominique Sportiche (UCLA), Hamida Demirdache (LLING, Nantes Université/CNRS) & Maia Duguine (IKER, CNRS), Itamar Kastner (University of Edinburgh), Vassilios Spyropoulos (University of…
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CRISSP TCC Seminar: Ora Matushansky
CRISSP is happy to announce a new installment in the CRISSP TCC Seminar Series: Lecturer: Ora Matushansky (UMR 7023 (CNRS/Université Paris VIII)) Title: Down with the themes! For a classless declension in Russian morphology Date & time: Thursday 30 January 2025, 15.30-17.00 CET Location: Zoom
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BieLeiCos 2025
We are delighted to announce BieLeiCoS 2025, a workshop on Comparative Syntax organized by the universities of Bielefeld and Leiden. The two day workshop will take place at Bielefeld University, Germany, on Thursday 22 May and Friday 23 May 2025. Invited speaker: Theresa Biberauer (University of Cambridge, Stellenbosch University) There will be two panel sessions…
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Ethics in theoretical linguistics
This is a newly-published paper on ethics in theoretical linguistics that and I co-wrote with Mike Putnam and Pritha Chandra. I’m sharing it here in case it might be of interest: Roberta
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UTL Lecture: Yoad Winter
Speaker: Yoad Winter (ILS, Institut Jean Nicod, Paris; joint work with Imke Kruitwagen, James A. Hampton, and Joost Zwarts) Title: Understanding Partial Reciprocity Time: 12 December 2024 – 11.30am-1pm Abstract Reciprocal pronouns (‘each other’) and reciprocal verbs (‘meet,’ ‘hug’) allow non-maximal interpretations: both ‘the men fought’ and ‘the men fought each other’ can describe a…
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EXTRA SIL Talk: Gianluca Porta
Speaker: Gianluca Porta (Ulster University) Title: Extraction from adjuncts: the role of Small Clauses When: Tuesday 26 November, 4-5pm Abstract A well-known distinction between arguments and adjuncts is that only the former allow extraction. A number of reasons for the island status of adjuncts have been proposed (e.g. Haung’s (1982) CED). Recent experimental studies challenged…
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