
PhD defence and workshop in honor of Joanna Wall
On Friday the 28th February at 10:00am, Joanna Wall will defend her dissertation entitled Towards a label-less grammar. The PhD defence will take place in the Senaatszaal, Academiegebouw, Domplein 29 Utrecht. In the afternoon of the 28th, there will be a short workshop to celebrate Joanna’s defence, with theoretical syntax talks and discussion related to…
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Heritage languages and syntactic theory has just been published
Just published! The volume Heritage languages and syntactic theory, edited by Roberta D’Alessandro, Michael T Putnam and Silvia Terenghi, OUP 2025, is now available in full Open Access at this url. Enjoy the read!
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MIMA! workshop on The Grammar of Manner Adverbials
The final workshop of the MIMA! project on Manner Adverbials is going to take place on 6-7 March in Utrecht. The aim of this workshop is two-fold: (i) to celebrate the culmination of the Mind your Manner Adverbials! project at Utrecht University and share its results, and (ii) to bring together (junior and senior) researchers to…
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CRISSP TCC Seminar series: Neil Myler
Lecturer: Neil Myler (Boston University) Title: Romance Conjugation Class Features could be Syntactic (and on certain assumptions must be) Date & time: Thursday 20 February 2025, 15.30-17.00 CET Location: Zoom
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LUCL colloquium: Artemis Alexiadou
Speaker: Artemis Alexiadou (ZAS Berlin) Title: Nominalization: the view from syntactic approaches to word formation Date/Time: 20th of February, 15:15-17:00 Location: Herta Mohr, Witte Singel 27A, room 0.20 Leiden Abstract In this talk, I will discuss two issues within syntactic approaches to nominalization, focusing on Grimshaw’s (1990) complex event nominals (CENs), that are currently controversially…
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The 3rd Workshop on Charting Honorific and Addressee Morphosyntactic Processes will be hosted at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona on the 28th and 29th of March. INVITED SPEAKERS: Ruoan Wang (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Elin McCready (Aoyama Gakuin University) Dániel Kádár (Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics) The program and further info can be found here.
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TODAY! 2nd HLS brainstorming meeting on variability
The 2nd HLS brainstorming meeting will take place TODAY (7th of February) at 2:30pm. The broad topic that we will discuss is Variability and how to deal with it, and when do all “externalization”-related effects become structural change? Those who are already on the platform will be sent a link some days before the meeting….
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