
ILS Colloquium, Jakub Dotlacil
Jakub Dotlacil will give the next ILS Colloquium talk. The talk is entitled Language, Linguistics and Memory All welcome! Abstract One challenge that linguistics faces is how to connect linguistic theories, which are often developed as rich symbolic and discrete systems that abstract away from cognitive capacities, to experimental behavioral data, which are continuous and…
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RESCHEDULED: SIL talk: Steven Foley (USC)
The talk by Steven Foley on 12 October is CANCELED! Steven Foley (University of Southern California) will give a Syntax Interface Lecture on 12 October, with the title Inverted agents and demoted goals in Georgian Abstract Case marking in Georgian transitive clauses differs across tense categories. Most strikingly, external arguments in perfect tenses “invert”:…
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Syntax Reading Group – 6 October
We are restarting our glorious syntax reading group! The SRG will meet monthly at alternate days (first Friday and first Thursday); we will read papers in preparation for the SIL talks, so that we can engage better with the speakers and enjoy and understand the talks much better. We will meet on our old Teams…
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Morphology as Syntax (MaS 3)
(Please note that the times are all in EST/Montreal!) The purpose of this workshop is to investigate the relationship between morphology and syntax, and in particular to investigate the extent to which morphological generalizations can be accounted for in terms of purely syntactic operations and conditions. Can morphology and syntax be unified under purely Merge…
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MiMA midway workshop on 10 November
We are excited to invite you to the official midway workshop of the Mind your Manner Adverbials! project at Utrecht University! The MiMA team is proud to host this workshop to share its first findings and gather feedback, but also give the floor to others to present current work in the domains of manner and/or comparative adverbial morpho-syntax. Please…
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SIL talk: Elisabeth Kerr
Dear all, We are pleased to announce you that the first Syntax Interface Lecture of the season will take place on Thursday September 14th from 16:00 until 17:00 both on site (Kromme Nieuwegracht 80, room 1.06) and on our Syntax Interface Lectures team on MS Teams. We will host a talk by Elisabeth Kerr (Leiden…
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Marcolli’s talk video online
For those who missed Matilde Marcolli’s talk yesterday, the talk can be seen at this link.
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