Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics


CRISSP lectures: Phoevos Panagiotidis

CRISSP is happy to announce another installment in the CRISSP Lecture Series: Lecturer: Phoevos Panagiotidis (University of Cyprus) Title: Categories and particles: the material of language Date & time: 15–17 January 2024, 10.30-13.30 Participation: free Location: KU Leuven, Faculty of Arts, Brussels Campus, Warmoesberg 26, 1000 Brussels / Zoom Abstract: pdf If you wish to attend online, please contact the organizers to…

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NYI lecture: Markus Pöchtrager, Phonology Goes Syntax

TODAY (10 January) ay 5:30 pm Markus Pöchtrager will give an NYI Distinguished Linguist talk with the title “Phonology Goes Syntax”. Attendance is free but registration is required. You can register here. Abstract To what extent do the individual modules of grammar share a similar architecture? In this talk we will ask that question about…

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REEDS talk: Hannah Gibson, Lutz Marten & Teresa Poeta

The REEDS-network is very happy to announce a new installment in the REEDStalks lecture series. Speakers: Hannah Gibson (University of Essex), Lutz Marten (SOAS) & Teresa Poeta (University of Essex) Title: Researching morphosyntactic variation in Swahili Date and time: Friday, 19 January at 15:00 CET Location: Zoom Abstract: pdf   All of the upcoming talks…

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Matilde Marcolli – MIT lectures on the mathematical structure of Merge

Matilde Marcolli, who visited our university in October, gave a series of five lectures at the MIT Linguistics Department on her joint work with Noam Chomsky and Bob Berwick on the mathematical structure of Syntactic Merge. The videos of all the lectures are available here The slides of all the talks are available here The…

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ILS colloquium: Henriette de Swart & Bert Le Bruyn

On the 21st of December, Henriette de Swart and Bert Le Bruyn will present the results of their 5-year project Time in Translation ———————– Abstract In this talk, we report results from the Time in Translation project (https://time-in-translation.hum.uu.nl/) carried out at Utrecht University between 2017 and 2022. Reference to time and events is part of human…

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