Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics


RoLinC talk: Fabienne Martin

Talk: Tomorrow ​(19th March) at 12-1pm (UK time), Fabienne Martin (Utrecht University) will be giving a talk entitled,​The ‘no-agent’ scalar implicature triggered by anticausatives is stronger when the causative alternative is structurally-defined.  Abstract: Weak scalar expressions like English It is possible that P (defeasibly) implicate the negation of their stronger alternatives such as It is certain that P (Grice 1967,…

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REEDS talk: Frances Blanchette & Cynthia Lukyanenko

Speakers: Frances Blanchette (Penn State University) & Cynthia Lukyanenko (George Mason University) Title: What’s in a grammar? Microsyntactic variation in American English negative dependencies Date and time: Friday, 15 March at 17:00 CET (Click here to add to your Google calendar) Location: Zoom Abstract: pdf   All of the upcoming talks in the REEDStalks series are listed on the REEDS-website,…

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SRG featuring Riny Huijbregts

Our next Syntax Reading Group meeting will take place on the 5th of April, at 12 noon as usual. As agreed, we will discuss again Merge and the SMT, this time with one of its authors: Riny Huijbregts. We will discuss chapters 4-6. For those of you who were there also last time: please refresh your…

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GLOWing Lecture: Viola Schmitt

The next GLOWing lecture will be given by  Viola Schmitt, who will discuss with Marcel den Dikken on what is exciting about Semantics on March 15, 15:00 CET (10:00 EST, 14:00 BST, 19:30 IST – note the daylight savings change mismatch!) The Zoom-link for the lecture will be distributed to all GLOW members via e-mail a day before the lecture. If…

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SIL talk: Mike Putnam

Mike Putnam (Penn State University) will give a Syntax Interface Lecture on the 28th of March. Title: The syntax of umlaut – a cursory overview of the diachronic (& synchronic) development of plural in German(ic) If you are not in the Teams SIL group, please contact the organizers so they can add you. If you…

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EMLAR XX (Experimental Methods in Language Acquisition Research) 2024 will take place at Utrecht University and online on 16-18 April. This conference, hosted at the Institute for Language Sciences of Utrecht University, provides talks and hands-on experience with various methods of experimental research in language acquisition. Experts in various domains of language acquisition research will…

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SIL talk: Marjolein Talsma

A Split-Merge approach to argument structure Abstract In this talk, I discuss a novel way of associating arguments with their predicate, based on the concept of Split-Merge (Zwart 2009). Where traditional Merge is binary and combines two elements into one, Zwart’s Split-Merge is unary and only targets one element at a time. The main view presented…

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