Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics


2 February 2019
Drift 21 and 25, Utrecht

TIN-dag / Dutch Annual Linguistics Day

The next Dutch Annual Linguistics Day, co-organised by AVT, LOT and Anéla, will be held on Saturday 2 February 2019. The Dutch Annual Linguistics Day combines the AVT TIN-dag (Linguistics-in-the-Netherlands day) and the Anéla TTiN-dag (Applied-Linguistics-in-the-Netherlands day). The Grote Taaldag will take place in Utrecht, at Drift 21 and 25. The Grote Taaldag also hosts the annual Taalgala, where the AVT/Anéla Dissertation Prize is awarded.

More information, and the program, can be found on this website: https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/avt/dutch-annual-linguistics-day