Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics


20 - 21 October 2022

Heritage Language Syntax 3

Heritage Language Syntax is a workshop initiated at the University of Utrecht within the ERC Microcontact, with the aim of investigating the syntactic properties of heritage grammars.

This third (and first in-presence) edition of Heritage Language Syntax will be organised in Paris on October 20-21 within the IRN Heritage Languages in Europe (coordinator Elena Soare, University of Paris 8 & CNRS).

In this edition, we seek to investigate the issue of complexity in the syntax of heritage languages. It is often assumed that these grammars are “simplified”, or even incomplete, but there is good evidence that in certain conditions heritage speakers prefer complex or more marked constructions to simpler ones.

Invited speakers

Maria Polinsky (University of Maryland, College Park)

Silvina Montrul (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)

Greg Scontras (University of California, Irvine)

Esther Rinke (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main)

Terje Lohndal (NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology & UiT The Arctic University of Norway )

HLS3 can be followed online. Attendance is free but registration is necessary to get the Zoom link. Please contact Elena Soare for the link.
The program and more info can be found on the HLS3 website