Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics


4 June 2024
KU Leuven, Brussels campus, Stormstraat 2, Brussels & Zoom

Guido Fest

CRISSP is extremely pleased and proud to present the GuidoFest, a one-day workshop in honor of Guido Vanden Wyngaerd’s 60th birthday:

Date: Tuesday 4 June 2024
Location: KU Leuven, Brussels campus, Stormstraat 2, 1000 Brussels, room 6303


Tuesday 4 June 2024
10.00 10.30 Arrival & coffee
10.30 11.00 CRISSP Intro
11.00 11.30 Marcel den Dikken Mandan phi-marking and the morphosyntax of first person plural
11.30 11.45 Coffee break
11.45 12.15 Rint Sybesma Resultatives all over again
12.15 12.45 Jan-Wouter Zwart Control in minimalism
12.45 14.00 Lunch break
14.00 14.30 Johan Rooryck Classifiers: hic sunt leones
14.30 15.00 Marijke De Belder Spectacular Splitters: Posture verbs, motion verbs and copulas in Dutch and other West-Germanic varieties
15.00 15.15 Coffee break
15.15 15.45 Karen De Clercq A nanosyntactic perspective on negation in Bengali
15.45 16.15 Pavel Caha What’s your name, what’s your title: on the morphosyntax of academic degrees
16.15 16.45 Guido Vanden Wyngaerd TBA
16.45 Drinks & merriment

Participation is free, but registration is required and can be done here.