Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics


Two LUSH talks

We are happy to announce that UiL-OTS will host two LUSH talks:

  • On Wednesday, November 21, Miguel Santin (University of Groningen) will give a LUSH talk in Utrecht.

Date: Wednesday, November 21, 11:00 – 12:30
Location: Utrecht, Trans 10, room 0.19 (A.W. de Grootkamer)
Speaker: Miguel Santin (University of Groningen, https://www.rug.nl/staff/miguel.santin/)
Title: Means and results: change-of-state events in the memory of Mandarin, Dutch and Spanish speakers

  • Friday, December 7, Renato Miguel Basso (Universidade Federal de São Carlos / Utrecht University) will give a LUSH talk in Utrecht.

Date: Friday, December 7, 13:00 – 14:30
Location: Utrecht, Trans 10, room 0.19 (A.W. de Grootkamer)
Speaker: Renato Miguel Basso (joint work with Joost Zwarts)
Title: A semantic investigation of the Brazilian Portuguese preposition ‘em’

The abstracts of the talks can be found on https://lushtalks.wordpress.com/

LUSH is short for Leiden-Utrecht Semantic Happenings, and these talks are aimed at everyone (so including RMA students) with a keen interest in semantics. We hope for a full house!