Workshop and Defense Franca Wesseling – There is more: Variation in Expletive constructions in Dutch
We are happy to announce that Franca Wesseling will defend her dissertation titled There is more: Variation in expletive constructions in Dutch on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018. The defense will take place at 14.30 in the Senaatszaal of the Academiegebouw (Domplein 29) in Utrecht.
1. Workshop at A.W. de Grootkamer (Trans 8, room 0.19)
On the morning of Franca’s defense, there will be a workshop celebrating her dissertation. Please feel free to attend, but note that the workshop is directed towards linguists.
10.00 – 11.00 Hilda Koopman, ‘Syntax-Semantics mismatches and Syntax-Phonology mismatches (sometimes) go together: Evidence from English, German, and Dutch’
11.00 – 11.15 Coffee break
11.15 – 12.15 Jeroen van Craenenbroeck, ‘Expletives and morphosyntactic variation in Dutch dialects’
2. Defense
The defense will take place at 14.30 sharp in the Senaatszaal of the Academiegebouw (Domplein 29) in Utrecht. Please join us!
Note that it will not be possible to enter the room after 14.30, and children under 6 are not permitted during the defense itself, but may join once the doors are opened again (around 15.15).
3. Drinks / Reception
The defense ceremony will be followed by drinks in the Academiegebouw (room 1636), where you can congratulate Franca on her accomplishment! Just follow the crowd after the defense to find the room.
For questions, contact Eefje Boef ( or Heidi Klockmann (