Syntax and Language Variation Week
On June 7-13 Utrecht University will host the Syntax and Variation Week, on the occasion of Roberta D’Alessandro and Marjo Van Koppen’s inaugural lectures. The program features two lectures and a workshop.
You are all cordially invited, but please let us know if/which event you are planning to attend (see below).
- June 7, 4:15 pm, Aula of the Academiegebouw on Domplein:
Roberta D’Alessandro‘s inaugural lecture with the title Syntax and Language Variation for the 22nd century (r.s.v.p.
- June 8, 9-17, Janskerkhof 13, Stijlkamer 0.06
Workshop on Syntax and Language Variation
Speakers (to be confirmed): Theresa Biberauer, Jan Casalicchio, Edoardo Cavirani, Valentina Cojocaru, Jeroen van Craenenbroeck and Marjo van Koppen, Mirella De Sisto, Adina Dragomirescu, Alexandru Nicolae, Diego Pescarini, Cora Pots, Sofja Volkova, Hedde Zeijlstra. (r.s.v.p.
- June 13, 4:15 pm, Aula of the Academiegebouw on Domplein:
Marjo van Koppen‘s inaugural lecture with the title Bomen bij de buren: naar een interdisciplinaire benadering van taalvariatie (r.s.v.p.
Join us and celebrate variation!